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Tel: 925-398-3313

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Monday - Friday 

9:00 am to 7:00 pm

Consultations by Appointment Only

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Get Rid of Crippling Debt.
You Owe it to Yourself.
  • Wipe Out Credit Card Debt

  • Get Rid of Medical Bills

  • Stop Harassing Phone Calls 

  • Keep Your Car

  • Keep Your Home 

  • Walk Away From Bad Leases


Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is generally a 3-6 month process that gets rid of your debt and you don't have to pay back anything.  In many cases you can keep your home and personal property such as cars and other things, but you need a seasoned professional to guide you along the way.  

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Can Let You:      

  • Get Rid of Old Tax Debt

  • Keep Your Home  

  • Start Rebuilding Credit Within Months

How to Get Started

The first step is to contact us and set up your free consultation. Every situation is different and requires a personalized game plan to maximize your relief.  At your consult we will advise you of your options and let you know if bankruptcy is the right thing to do.  This is a serious decision and we are here to explain your rights and what you should expect throughout the proceedings. Consultations generally last 30 minutes to an hour in length, and they can be conducted in person or remotely.  

  • If you're reading this there are probably some things hampering your ability to move forward with your life.  Whether you have debt from credit cards, medical bills, an old business, or are having difficulty paying your mortgage, you have options to get out from under this but acting before its too late is important.  Don't wait for your car to get repossessed or your bank accounts to be emptied.  Your creditors aren't waiting around for things to get better.   

  • The bankruptcy process is complex and you need a professional who can make sure you're doing the right things, both before and after your case.  You need someone to explain the process coherently, and do so with compassion - Leyton Law is here to do just that, but the first step begins with you. 

                                   Contact us today.




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We are a debt relief agency helping people file bankruptcy under the US Bankruptcy Code.

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